Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Blog About My Attempts to Write a First Novel...

To misquote Monty Python, this blog is dead, it has ceased to be

Yes, I've written my first novel and it's called The World According to Boring John. The fact that it has not yet been published (and it may never will) is neither here nor there.

Any further writing will now result in my writing a second novel, then a third etc.

So I'd need to start a brand new blog. And I don't want to do that. I'm not a blogger - too dependent on being 'current' for my liking.

So help yourself to learning how I came to write a first novel, by simply visiting the links to the left of this post. There's lots of good, inspiring stuff here. But it's far from definitive.

And I will now update this blog from within, as and when necessary. (As happens in the Boring John blog.)

So, for example, I've now just updated my reading materials blog post that I first wrote in June 2008. You'll find 2 entries with Feb, 2009 dates.

Well, until the next update, thanks for reading and I hope this blog will help inspire you to get started with your first novel. Remember that book may well be inside you - that first novel of yours - but it's absolutely no good there. Is it?

Write it. Write it. Write it.

And if your name is Tori HD, then this last post was written with you in mind.

As the note stuck to my notice board has said for the last 2 years...

"You could get started"

Well you could, couldn't you!

(And if I can help. I will.)


Anonymous said...

awww, you leaving already and I just found your blog. I will use this one as one of my reference blog while writing my first novel.

Congratulations on the completion of your first novel.

Anonymous said...

So did you complete your first novel?

Me said...

I did. Didn't get it published though. (That's the much harder bit lol.)